Sri Radha Damodara Temple was founded by Srila Jiva Goswami, nephew of Srila Rupa and Srila Sanatana Goswami. He was the son of Annupam. Sadhana-dipika mentions that Sri Rupa Goswami had many skills. He could carve Deities, draw, he was expert astrologists and fluent in Sanskrit, Bengali, Persian and other languages. In Karthik month (Oct-Nov) of 1542 Sri Rupa, knowing Jiva's desire for the Deity, personally carved, installed and offered a small Deity of Damodara to his foremost disciple. Eight inches high Lord Damodara came from a piece of black marble brought from Vindhya Parvata in the Central India. "Dama" means "rope" and "udara" is "abdomen". Damodara is a form of Krishna who is being bound by the ropes of mother Yasoda because He broke the yogurt and milk pots like an ordinary naughty boy. This temple was built for Jiva Goswami by Maharaja Man Singh from Jaipur (Ambra). The temple hall is a roofless courtyard. On the main altar with the Pratibhu Murtis of Sri Sri Radha Damodara one can also have darshan of other Deities worshiped here. They are Sri Sri Radha Vrindavan-chandra worshipped by Srila Krishnadas Kaviraja Goswami, Sri Sri Radha-Madhava of Jayadev Goswami, and Sri Sri Radha Chaila-chikana of Bhugarbha Goswami. The original Deities were all moved to Jaipur. There is a Govardhan-shila in this temple that was worshiped by Srila Sanatana Goswami. It has Lord Krishna's footprint’s impression on it, and it was given to him by Lord Krishna Himself. Sanatana Goswami used to circumambulate Govardhana hill everyday. Since he was getting old and couldn't circumambulate the sacred hill any more (21 kms), Lord Krishna gave him this shila and told him that circumambulating this shila is as good as circumambulating the whole Govardhan Hill. On request, the pujari can show you the shila. You can see the imprints of Krishna's footprint, cowherd stick, flute, and the hoof-print of a calf embedded in the shila.
During this time there was not a Temple in Vrindavana, only dense forests, so the Goswamis would live under the trees, under a thorn bush or in a vacant crocodile-hole. They remained for short periods to perform bhajana in Ter Kadamba, Barsana, Radha-kunda and the Radha Damodar temple area. Some years later, they were joined by their young nephew Sri Jiva, who took diksha from Srila Rupa Goswami and performed service at his lotus feet.
Srila Jiva Goswami officially purchased land at Seva-kunja for thirty rupees in order to worship his beloved Lord. After the disappearance of Rupa and Sanatana, Jiva Goswami became the head of the Gaudiya sampradaya and the Radha Damodara Temple became famous as a seat of learning due to its vast library of rare books and manuscripts of the Goswamis. Srila Prabhupada called this temple as the ‘Hub of the Spiritual World’.
During this time there was not a Temple in Vrindavana, only dense forests, so the Goswamis would live under the trees, under a thorn bush or in a vacant crocodile-hole. They remained for short periods to perform bhajana in Ter Kadamba, Barsana, Radha-kunda and the Radha Damodar temple area. Some years later, they were joined by their young nephew Sri Jiva, who took diksha from Srila Rupa Goswami and performed service at his lotus feet.
Radha Damodara
Sri Damodara
Radha Damodara Mandir Sri Sri Radha Vrindavana-chandra
Srila Jiva Goswami officially purchased land at Seva-kunja for thirty rupees in order to worship his beloved Lord. After the disappearance of Rupa and Sanatana, Jiva Goswami became the head of the Gaudiya sampradaya and the Radha Damodara Temple became famous as a seat of learning due to its vast library of rare books and manuscripts of the Goswamis. Srila Prabhupada called this temple as the ‘Hub of the Spiritual World’.
shri radha damodar lal ki jay